Bandpass and low-pass filters are inserted between a broadcast transmitter's output and the antenna to suppress spurious emissions. For "combined" analog transmitters, filters are needed to suppress harmonics in the vision and sound carrier signals.
For DTV transmitters, filters are used to limit out-of-channel emissions based on various mask specifications (ATSC, DAB, DVB-T and ISDB-T). SPINNER supplies coaxial filters, dual-mode wave guide filters, dielectric filters and low-pass filters for the band 3, UHF and band L frequency ranges for the following applications:
- 8 MHz DVB-T and DVB-T2 extended carrier mode
- 8 MHz analog TV
- 7 MHz DVB-T and DVB-T2
- 7 MHz analog TV
- 6 MHz DVB-T, DVB-T2, ISDB-T, ATSC and ATSC 3.0
- 6 MHz analog TV
- 1.54 MHz DAB, DAB+ and T-DMB
This catalog contains filter data for the most common applications. However, alternative filter tunings can also be provided for other mask requirements, applications and bandwidths.
The filter tuning (passband and stopband insertion loss, matching and variation of group delay time) is defined by a tuning specification (e.g. AS6148). You must specify the applicable tuning specification and frequency in every order submitted to ensure that the filter will be correctly tuned in the factory.
All bandpass filters can also be integrated in multi-channel combiners, where they simultaneously isolate the transmitters and can provide mask filtering (please see the section on multi-channel combiners).
The "Environmental Conditions for Broadcast Products" listed in the annex must be complied with during operation, transportation and storage. The maximum rating of the filter depends on environmental conditions like temperature, cooling and elevation above sea level. Most filters can be operated at up to 2300 meters above sea level at the power specified in the data sheet. For stations located at higher altitudes, the power must be reduced as indicated in the "Environmental Conditions for Broadcast Products".
For some filters with liquid cooling, derating must be performed at altitudes exceeding 500 m asl as shown in the data sheets.
The input and output ports of all bandpass filters terminate inside the resonators with an open or a short and therefore block DC and low frequencies. Most bandpass filters are equipped with cross couplings to achieve steeper slopes for mask filtering. Inside multichannel combiners, cross couplings are used to permit the use of adjacent channels.
The input and output ports of all bandpass filters terminate inside the resonators with an open or a short and therefore block DC and low frequencies. Most bandpass filters are equipped with cross couplings to achieve steeper slopes for mask filtering. Inside multichannel combiners, cross couplings are used to permit the use of adjacent channels.