V-SAT Antennas

Global Skyware offers a complete line of receive-transmit VSAT antennas and receive-only commercial quality antennas in sizes from 69cm to 2.4 meters. These antennas are available with a variety of C-Band and Ku-Band feed and feed support configurations.
Global Skyware designs and manufactures the antenna solutions that enable the world's leading communications equipment companies to deliver data via satellite.
We offer solutions for Very Small Aperture Terminal (Data over Satellite (DOS)/VSAT), Satellite Broadband or direct-to-home TV connectivity.
Global Skyware is the only fully vertically integrated high volume producer of metal and sheet molded compound antennas in the world. We make our own resins, stamp, press and paint our metal and composite products in our own factory to provide the highest levels of quality control.
We have been designing and making antennas for C, Ku, Ka bands and more for over 40 years in Smithfield, North Carolina and our highly engineered products, simple assembly and long term field reliability are well known in the industry.
Our full range of small to midsize antennas offer solutions for projects of all sizes, from a lone installation in your most remote location to tens of thousands of terminals providing high quality and reliable internet service to homes across the planet.
Our factory utilizes advanced manufacturing systems, tools, techniques and processes that ensure quality products are shipped from our dock to yours safely. We can even arrange the shipping for you and support your most demanding logistics challenges.
Our engineering team has advanced tools, software and methods to turn your concepts into products. Our comprehensive antenna range testing facilities are used by the leading service providers to ensure regulatory and performance compliance.
Global Skyware was formed following the acquisition of Satellite Acquisition Corporation by Global Invacom in August 2015.
The Group (through the acquired Raven companies) was the designer and supplier of the world's first Ka consumer broadband antenna deployed by Wild Blue in 2004. Skyware has now manufactured more than 3.8 million consumer broadband antennas since 2009 which are now deployed in North America and Europe. These cost effective antennas provide guaranteed Radio Frequency (RF) performance by providing accurate and repeatable reflector surfaces, high accuracy pressure die cast feed components, and mounts which allow very accurate antenna alignment with minimal installation time.
We offer solutions for Very Small Aperture Terminal (Data over Satellite (DOS)/VSAT), Satellite Broadband or direct-to-home TV connectivity.
Global Skyware is the only fully vertically integrated high volume producer of metal and sheet molded compound antennas in the world. We make our own resins, stamp, press and paint our metal and composite products in our own factory to provide the highest levels of quality control.
We have been designing and making antennas for C, Ku, Ka bands and more for over 40 years in Smithfield, North Carolina and our highly engineered products, simple assembly and long term field reliability are well known in the industry.
Our full range of small to midsize antennas offer solutions for projects of all sizes, from a lone installation in your most remote location to tens of thousands of terminals providing high quality and reliable internet service to homes across the planet.
Our factory utilizes advanced manufacturing systems, tools, techniques and processes that ensure quality products are shipped from our dock to yours safely. We can even arrange the shipping for you and support your most demanding logistics challenges.
Our engineering team has advanced tools, software and methods to turn your concepts into products. Our comprehensive antenna range testing facilities are used by the leading service providers to ensure regulatory and performance compliance.
Global Skyware was formed following the acquisition of Satellite Acquisition Corporation by Global Invacom in August 2015.
The Group (through the acquired Raven companies) was the designer and supplier of the world's first Ka consumer broadband antenna deployed by Wild Blue in 2004. Skyware has now manufactured more than 3.8 million consumer broadband antennas since 2009 which are now deployed in North America and Europe. These cost effective antennas provide guaranteed Radio Frequency (RF) performance by providing accurate and repeatable reflector surfaces, high accuracy pressure die cast feed components, and mounts which allow very accurate antenna alignment with minimal installation time.